Tuesday, April 19, 2011

App-V GUID Issue on virtual machine

If you are using Virtual Machines and snapshots there is a possibility you had run into a issue where the GUID of the package is always the same in the first sequencing try after reverting to a previous snapshot.  I asked the support if this could be resolved and they said it must be because I´ve taken the snapshot with App-V Sequencer opened, but I did not take the snapshot with App-V Sequencer opend but still I´m getting the GUID the same. So I did some digging and here is what I found.

The first thing I noticed that the time on the VM was the same date and time as when the snapshot was taken so the time does not syncronize.

7766DDFF-3461-438D-9B15-F23D4129AB43 (Time Created 4/10/2011 2:09:11 PM) (Time Modified 4/10/2011 2:10:36 PM)
7766DDFF-3461-438D-9B15-F23D4129AB43 (Time Created 4/10/2011 2:07:59 PM) (Time Modified 4/10/2011 2:07:59 PM)

As you can see I reverted the snapshot and the GUID is the same on both but does have different time like minute or so.  What you need to do is this.

1. Configure timezone for the VM and create a BAT file that includes "w32tm /resync".  Reboot the computer and create a new snapshot. Before you create a new sequenced application you can run the bat file and see if the date/time does syncronize.  It is a possiblity that the computer needs a restart after the syncronization, you will problably see that in the sequencing wizard, so it is recomended to reboot the machine first. After this I get a new GUID as you can see and a new date time.

04E7BC0C-4F05-42C8-AFA5-011963BC52F2 (Time Created 4/19/2011 1:33:01 PM) (Time Modified 4/19/2011 1:34:26 PM)

Hope this helps.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

OffVirt Flag Generator - First Try

Finally I´ve finished with the Office Virtualization Flag Generator I hope it will be usefull for those who don´t understand the flags.  It´s in gui mode but it will create a string of flags that you input.  This is only the first version so if you have any comments about the application such as features, I will then check if it is possible to add them. There can be some things that don´t work such as.
  • Generate as VBS Script
  • File and Help Menu
The file will be attached to a link on the right side of the menu under "SkyDrive Downloads". 

Here are some screenshots

BTW : You need .NET 4.0 installed to be able to run this application.

The Crash and the speed

The harddisk on my computer failed, I just finished reinstalling the computer on SSD.  WOWhh.. the speed. Thank god I did not loose any data.  I´m going to start again to finish the app, it should be finished quite soon.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

In development

I´ve been doing some work on the presentation for the App-V and Med-V this weekend, I think it´s going to be very cool presentation, there will be 3 videos that I created to show how easy it is to virtualize an application. 

Also I´ve been programming a small application for sequencing and client flags as you can see in the screenshot.  I will release this as soon for everyone to use.  If anyone has any comments about this, please feel free to do so.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Long time no see

Hi, I have been doing a lot of work lately so there has been no writing to the blog for a few weeks/months.  Well at least I´m starting again.  I will be speaking here in Iceland about App-V and Med-V on behalf of Microsoft, it will be about 50 minutes long so I have to shorten the speech.  I´m doing some programming for Office Deployment Kit, it´s just a idea for a small kit to create the setup package for licensing and the office proxy, for those who don´t understand the deployment kit.  I´ll post soon about the app. Yeah and the forum has closed because of inactivity, I think the technet forum will be quite good for posting questions.